현선해 교수

경영관 5층 33510호

현선해 교수


My research topic concerns the institutional theory, in particular, the effects of institutional environment on organizational structure and decision processes. The topic is based on the previous studies suggesting that the adoption of organizational structure and decision process is influenced by the institutional environment. To examine the institutional effects, the coercive, normative and mimetic forces will be measured. Regarding the organizational structure, the degree of structural formalization, centralization and complexity will be measured. For decision processes, the degree of rationality and incrementality will be measured. The questionnaires and other sources of secondary data will be used to measure variables. Regression and logit models will be used for data analysis. The interpretation of results, the limitation of research, and suggestions for future research will be provided.


  • 2011-2012 Dean of the SKK Business School at Sungkyunkwan University
  • 2007-2015 Chair of the Department of Global Business Administration
  • 2004-2007 Provost of Admissions, Sungkyunkwan University
  • 2003-2004 Chair of iMBA, Sungkyunkwan University
  • 2002- Professor, Graduate School of Business Administration, Sungkyunkwan University
  • 1999-2002 Associate Professor, Graduate School of Business Administration, Sungkyunkwan University
  • 1993-1999 Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Business Administration, Sungkyunkwan University


  • Ph.D. 1992 Business Administration University of Colorado at Boulder
  • MBA 1987 Business Administration Idaho State University
  • B.A. 1984 Business Administration Sungkyunkwan University


  • Choi, Se-Kyung & Sunhae Hyun. 2011. Institutional Isomorphism and Organizational Legitimacy: Combining Resource Dependency and Institutional Theory. Korean Journal of Business Administration, Vol. 24, No. 2, p. 1029-1050.
  • Kim, Kyong-Hwan & Sunhae Hyun. 2006. Effects of institutional environments and strategic resources of university TLOs on technology commercialization. The Korean Venture Management Review, Vol. 9, No.1.
  • Hyun, Sunhae. 2002. The rationality in strategic decision making process; Its relations with organization environment, structure and performance. The Korean Journal of Human Resources Management, Vol. 26, No 1.
  • Hyun, Sunhae. 2001. An empirical test of institutional and strategic views on organizational legitimacy. Korean Management Review, Vol. 30, No 4.
  • Hyun, Sunhae. 2001. The effects of institutional environment on organizational legitimacy and performance in South Korea. The Korean Journal of Human Resources Management, Vol. 25, No 2.